Alison – introduction to me and how I can help you

Hi, I’m Alison and I’m a counsellor living and working in Seaford. I want to start 2024 by introducing myself to you and letting you know a little bit about me and the type of work I do. Firstly, and I believe one of the most important things about me, is that I absolutely love […]
The School Holidays are here!

The school holidays can be a challenging time for our mental health, for both parents and carers, as well as for children and young people. Children’s mental health can be affected by the school holidays in a number of ways. With the lack of routine and structure, it can be easy for some to feel […]
What to expect during therapy

More and more people are discovering that counselling can really help them to feel more alive and more in touch with who they are and what they want out of life. If you’re thinking about counselling, I’d like to emphasise the value of finding a counsellor/therapist that you can feel comfortable with. It’s so important […]
Do you want to feel happier and more in control of your life?

A few months ago I started mindfulness meditation using an app on my phone. I started because, like most people, I had heard that meditation and mindfulness was good for you and then a client of mine recommended it and I could see the enormous change in their wellbeing and approach to life. I decided […]
Are you looking forward to Christmas?

It’s not long now until Christmas Day, but for most of us it will be a little different this year, and whilst traditionally seen as the most wonderful time of the year, it’s OK to feel overwhelmed and struggle to get into the Christmas spirit. Especially this year, when lots of us are feeling the […]
Why won’t men talk about their feelings?

This week I had a counselling session with one of my male clients and he told me that he felt that most men would not talk about their feelings with their family or friends. He explained that it just didn’t feel right to him, he didn’t want to worry people and he would rather talk […]
A sense of loss

Loss, grief and bereavement are an inevitable, inescapable part of life. We will all lose someone we love at some point in our life and the loss can often hit us harder than we expect. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering we feel when something or someone we love is taken […]
Why let your phone rule your life?

Being totally present in a world full of Tik Tok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and WhatsApp can be hard. However, shutting it out completely doesn’t seem like a particularly realistic option for most of us. It’s why finding ways to balance your social media and your offline life are actually super important for a meaningful […]
Being kind to yourself

Just as important as it is to be kind to others, it’s equally important to show kindness towards yourself. Being kind to yourself promotes happiness and confidence; and how you treat yourself sets the tone for how others will treat you. When we’re kind to others, we pay them attention, we offer warmth, affection, generosity, without […]
The Myth of a Picture-Perfect Life

I’ve noticed that articles about the pressures of social media often focus on children, teenagers and young people. Of course, this makes a great deal of sense because we all know that young people spend a lot of time on social media. But I strongly believe that it affects older people too and as someone […]