Alison Burrell Counselling


You talk. I listen. We figure stuff out together. Rinse & repeat as necessary.

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello, I’m Alison.  I know that seeking help is a huge step, but you can rest assured that I will be right there with you as we explore the reasons you have come to counselling, with gentleness and empathy.  

We will work together in my quiet studio where you can relax and feel comfortable while you tell me what is going on for you at the moment, feeling safe and calm in the knowledge that I am there for you and will listen to you.

I’m a qualified, experienced person-centred counsellor.  Before training as a counsellor, my professional background was as a facilitator working in sensitive areas such as sexual health, menstruation, motherhood, ageing and chronic illness.  My years in the marketing industry gave me first-hand experience of a high pressure, demanding work environment and struggling to manage the work-life balance.  I have a wealth of life experience to draw on which supports my therapeutic training, this includes loss, bereavement, divorce, parenthood, burn-out, addiction, sexual abuse and depression.

Person-centred Therapy

Person-Centred Counselling is rooted in the belief that we all have a natural desire for personal growth, yet we all come across different obstacles that prevent us from reaching our full potential, such as the expectations of others and the pressures we put on ourselves. Counselling can help you become more aware of when these obstacles tend to arise, and over time, how to give them less control over your life.

Confidential & Professional

All information brought to a counselling session will remain confidential between the client and the counsellor. All counsellors are required to be in supervision and I do take relevant issues from counselling sessions into supervision. However, I take care to preserve your anonymity in supervision.

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